Elizabeth Metcalfe

多伦多设计师Elizabeth Metcalfe和Nicole Webster的室内设计公司Elizabeth Metcalfe在创造出具有现代感觉的经典设计风格的内饰方面树立了良好的声誉。公司的每一个引人注目的空间都是美观和功能的周到并存。以满足客户对美的欣赏,对周到设计和对品质的尊重。
Toronto designer Elizabeth Metcalfe and Nicole Webster's interior design firm Elizabeth Metcalfe have built a reputation for creating a modern design with a modern design. Every striking space in the company is aesthetically pleasing and functional. To meet the customer's appreciation of the beauty, respectful design and respect for quality.
Elizabeth Metcalfe一开始学习平面设计,并在广告代理机构工作多年,然后决定回到大学学习室内设计。 2000年,Elizabeth Metcalfe室内设计专门从事翻新和设计服务。静静地成为一个非常受人尊敬的设计公司,一直创造卓越的室内设计。现在公司专注于奢侈品市场,设计住宅从建筑咨询到装修。
Elizabeth Metcalfe began her studies in graphic design and worked in advertising agencies for many years before deciding to return to college to study interior design. In 2000, Elizabeth Metcalfe interior design specialised in refurbishment and design services. Quietly becoming a very respected design company, always creating outstanding interior design. Now the company is focused on the luxury market, designing homes from architectural consulting to renovation.
Elizabeth Metcalfer设计的内饰,散发出一种安静的奢华和低调的优雅。它们将古典主义与现代实现平衡,素雅的纹理和色调结合在一起。
The interior of Elizabeth Metcalfer exudes a quiet luxury and understated elegance. They balance classicism with modernity, combining elegant textures and tones.
Elizabeth Metcalfer的设计具有一种London的优雅气质源于对London喜爱。因为她的父亲在伦敦长大,第二次战争后移民到加拿大。伦敦感觉像她的家一样。博物馆,艺术画廊,酒店,餐馆,展厅和零售商店总是给人带来令人难以置信的灵感。
Elizabeth Metcalfer's design has a London elegance that is loved by London. Because her father grew up in London and immigrated to Canada after the second war. London feels like her home. Museums, art galleries, hotels, restaurants, showrooms and retail stores always bring incredible inspiration.
在悠久的皇室历史的驱使下,文化的丰富性;纯粹的乡村美景;以及庄园,城堡和大教堂的令人印象深刻的性质。正如著名的Samuel Johnson地说:“当一个人厌倦了London,他就厌倦了生活”。
Driven by the long history of the royal family, the richness of culture; the sheer beauty of the countryside; and the impressive nature of the manor, the castle and the cathedral. As the famous Samuel Johnson said: "When a person is tired of London, he is tired of life."
Elizabeth Metcalfer一直被简单的美丽所吸引。在希腊花瓶上画出的数字,Henri Mattise的细线图,以及Robert Motherwell绘画的简单而又戏剧性的形状,吸引了她个人的设计审美。当您细心注意时,美感和设计灵感无处不在。
Elizabeth Metcalfer has always been attracted by the simplicity of beauty. The figures drawn on the Greek vase, the thin line drawing of Henri Mattise, and the simple and dramatic shape of Robert Motherwell's paintings have attracted her personal design aesthetic. Beauty and design inspiration are everywhere when you pay attention.
Elizabeth Metcalfe和NicoleWebster一起致力于一个高度个性化的体验, 每个项目都展现出无数的可能性。创新的布局和设计,结合意想不到的装饰和优质的家具,将使他们的家园远离可预测和平庸。
Elizabeth Metcalfe and Nicole Webster are working together on a highly personalized experience, with every project showing countless possibilities. Innovative layout and design, combined with unexpected decoration and quality furniture, will keep their homes far from predictable and mediocre.
在过去二十年中,Elizabeth Metcalfe室内设计已经悄悄地成为知名和尊重的创造内部,统一经典风格与现代豪华。 他们已被列入众多国家和国际出版物,并在设计界获得国际认可和卓越奖。
Over the past two decades, Elizabeth Metcalfe interior design has quietly become a well-known and respected creation interior, unifying classic style and modern luxury. They have been listed in numerous national and international publications and have received international recognition and excellence awards in the design community.
Elizabeth Metcalfe每个设计作品都追求卓越,注重细节;并致力于给每个客户超过他们以前想过的可能性。他们的设计优雅而舒适;无限制但精致,永远难忘和独特。
Each of Elizabeth Metcalfe's designs is dedicated to excellence and attention to detail; and is committed to giving each client more possibilities than they have thought before. Their designs are elegant and comfortable; unrestricted but refined, never forgotten and unique.