
Ambidestro是一家巴西建筑设计事务所,由建筑师JoãoPedro Crescente和Raquel Zaffalon创立,总部设在巴西南部的阿雷格里港。
Ambidestro is a Brazilian architectural firm founded by architects João Pedro Crescente and Raquel Zaffalon and headquartered in Porto Alegre in southern Brazil.
JoãoPedro Crescente是Uniritter的建筑师,毕业于建筑学院建筑专业。然后到伦敦Technische Universitat学习。2012年在维也纳的Isay Weinfeld事务所工作,并在2013年回到圣保罗。
JoãoPedro Crescente is an architect at Uniritter and graduated with a degree in architecture from the School of Architecture. Then study at the Technische Universitat in London. I worked at Isay Weinfeld in Vienna in 2012 and returned to São Paulo in 2013.
Raquel Zaffalon也是Uniritter的建筑师,2004年毕业于马兰戈尼岛学院室内设计专业。2010年期间曾在米兰工作。
Raquel Zaffalon is also an architect at Uniritter and graduated from Marangoni University in 2004 with a degree in interior design. Worked in Milan during 2010.
Ambidestro's design incorporates modern architectural elements into the interior, emphasizing the international style of the home. Create a comfortable, elegant and design lifestyle in a limited space.
Every space created by Ambidestro is a perfect blend of functionality and elegance, starting with two concepts: simplicity and timelessness. Improve the quality of the space through design details. Create a simple and comfortable quality of life.