Raca Architekci

Raca arch是一家波兰建筑室内设计工作室,位于格但斯克,由Michal Raca和Marta Raca共同创立。主要针对居住在格但斯克,索波特,格丁尼亚这三个城区的业主,但也没有关闭其它区域合作的要约。
Raca arch is a Polish architectural interior design studio located in Gdansk, co-founded by Michal Raca and Marta Raca. Mainly for the owners of the three urban areas living in Gdansk, Sopot, Gdynia, but there is no offer to close other regional cooperation.
Michal Raca毕业于格但斯克理工大学建筑学院并获得很多比赛的奖项,是完美主义和良好的建筑坚定的捍卫者。 暗中批评“gar”等建筑创作。同时他还是舞台上最出色的舞者,在甜美的青年时代曾获得波兰舞蹈比赛的亚军。
Michal Raca graduated from the School of Architecture of the Gdansk Polytechnic University and won numerous competitions. He is a staunch defender of perfectionism and good architecture. Secretly criticized the architectural creations such as "gar". At the same time he was the best dancer on the stage and won the runner-up in the Polish dance competition in the sweet youth.
Marta Raca毕业于格但斯克美术学院室内建筑系,格但斯克理工大学建筑系。 在设计住宅内部和公用设施方面有多年的经验。她的设计作品是真正的艺术作品,精致到毫米的内部细节。完美搭配,烘托冷静和婉约的氛围。
Marta Raca graduated from the Department of Interior Architecture at the Gdansk Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Architecture, Gdansk Polytechnic University. Years of experience in designing interiors and utilities. Her designs are real works of art, refined to the internal details of the millimeter. Perfect match, calm and graceful atmosphere.
For many years, Raca has been designing the widest range of everything from large buildings to interiors, graphic design, to painting. In every project, we try to combine these areas so that others can be interesting and inspiring.