Ramy Fischler

Ramy Fischler是巴黎最好的顶级室内设计师之一,拥有不拘一格的创意实践。出身于比利时,毕业于ÉcoleNationale工业工程学院ENSCI-Les Ateliers。
Ramy Fischler is one of the best top interior designers in Paris with an eclectic creative practice. Born in Belgium, graduated from ÉCIleNationale School of Industrial Engineering ENSCI-Les Ateliers.
Ramy Fischler于2001年加入Patrick Jouin,是Patrick Jouin近10年的创意合作伙伴。在此期间,Ramy Fischler揉合了他对研究,创新和探索设计领域的品味,掌握文化,美食和概念设计领域的众多项目。
Ramy Fischler joined Patrick Jouin in 2001 and is a creative partner of Patrick Jouin for nearly 10 years. During this time, Ramy Fischler combines his research, innovation and exploration of design tastes, mastering cultural, gastronomic and conceptual design projects.
2010年,Ramy Fischler离开了Patrick Jouin,在Villa Medicis居住。同年他获得了法国学院的罗马大奖赛,在这个作品里,他开始冥想游客和艺术家之间的内在联系,并发现了历史与灵感家具和的联系。这项研究成为意大利和巴黎多次展览的基础,灵感来自历史,空间和家具之间的空隙。
In 2010, Ramy Fischler left Patrick Jouin and lived in Villa Medicis. In the same year he won the French Grand Prix of the French Academy, in which he began to meditate on the inner connection between tourists and artists, and discovered the connection between history and inspirational furniture. The study became the basis for numerous exhibitions in Italy and Paris, inspired by the gap between history, space and furniture.
2011年Ramy Fischler创立了自己的设计工作室RF Studio。并以不拘一格的方式继续探索“工业,工艺和前景”设计。2012年,他进行了第一次综合设计,并在Place de Colombie设计了一个巴黎私人住宅。2014年,他担任Dom Perignon的P2PlénitudeDeuxième运动的艺术总监。
In 2011, Ramy Fischler founded his own design studio RF Studio. And continue to explore the "industry, process and prospects" design in an eclectic way. In 2012, he conducted his first comprehensive design and designed a private residence in Paris at Place de Colombie. In 2014, he served as artistic director of Dom Perignon's P2PlénitudeDeuxième campaign.
意识到传播知识的重要性,Ramy Fischler担任ENSCI-Les Ateliers研究主任多年,担任Le Fresnoy-Studio国家艺术当代艺术顾问的访问艺术家教授,最近在ÉcoleCamondo的客座教授,讲授创新用途和功能。在2016年,法国文化传播部颁发了“Ramy Fischler”艺术和文学学士学位。
Aware of the importance of disseminating knowledge, Ramy Fischler has served as Director of Research at ENSCI-Les Ateliers for many years as a visiting artist professor at Le Fresnoy-Studio National Art Contemporary Art Consultant and a recent visiting professor at École Camondo, teaching innovative uses and functions. In 2016, the French Ministry of Culture and Communication awarded the “Ramy Fischler” Bachelor of Arts and Literature.
Ramy Fischler工作室致力于从创意设计的所有领域和规模,从对象和家具的构想到创建文化,商业和住宅空间。他的灵感,他的欲望,他的方法,最重要的是他对变化和移动的东西的热情。在他创造的作品中充分体现了古典主义和优雅,同时强调了其现代性。
The Ramy Fischler studio is dedicated to all areas and scales of creative design, from object and furniture ideas to creating cultural, commercial and residential spaces. His inspiration, his desires, his methods, and most importantly his passion for changing and moving things. Classicism and elegance are fully embodied in the works he creates, while emphasizing his modernity.
对于Ramy Fischler而言,室内设计应该是能够促进创造性,实验性和技艺这些理念的,这也是他一直喜欢将每一次项目都理解成一次与其他专家合作并尝试新东西的机会的原因。
For Ramy Fischler, interior design should be a concept that promotes creativity, experimentation and craftsmanship, which is why he has always liked to understand every project as an opportunity to collaborate with other experts and try new things.