Bruno Tarsia

Bruno tarsia拥有多重身份,是意大利米兰杰出的建筑师、室内设计师和摄影师,毕业于地中海研究大学的建筑专业。在他26岁时为了实现梦想来到了国际设计之都米兰,而后在此定居。
Bruno tarsia has multiple identities and is an outstanding architect, interior designer and photographer in Milan, Italy, and graduated from the Mediterranean University of Architecture. When he was 26 years old, he came to Milan, the international design capital, to realize his dream, and then settled here.
Bruno tarsia喜欢创造新的审美和工作,不光在室内设计领域,在家具、摄影、时装、珠宝、布料等领域都有涉猎。不仅为商业空间、各类展览和广告活动等拍摄照片,同时也为产品进行展厅设计。
Bruno tarsia likes to create new aesthetics and work, not only in the field of interior design, but also in the fields of furniture, photography, fashion, jewelry, and cloth. It not only takes photos for commercial spaces, various exhibitions and advertising events, but also designs showrooms for products.
Bruno tarsia是不拘一格的设计师,对美学,艺术和设计的热切,使他不断探索新的领域。
Bruno tarsia is an eclectic designer with an enthusiasm for aesthetics, art and design that allows him to explore new areas.
He joined the Reggio Art Center School to learn dance, learn to play the piano, and also worked in the exhibition hall. Later he realized that he liked furniture design more than architectural design because his grandfather was a carpenter who grew up in such an environment from an early age.
Later, Tarsia signed up for the stage design of the Academy of Arts in the Scala Theatre, studied the history of the stage play, and devoted himself to the stage design of the theater. After a month of selection, Tarsia was affirmed.
In the course of the stage set, he became interested in photography. In order to learn photography, he gave the stylist an assistant. In order to create a new style for his interior design project, he found a fixed-working styling studio and worked with them to create interior interior photo shoots for five years.
The purpose of his work is to combine poetic and creative feelings, imagination, reality, elegance and attention to detail. Although he is in-depth research covering the balance of professional color dichotomy of different styles.
Bruno tarsia工作是创造氛围,通过审美观念传达风格,设计师的任务是创造环境,而他的任务是是给环境一个灵魂。我喜欢让这个灵魂通过不寻常的组合表达出来。
Bruno tarsia's job is to create an atmosphere, convey the style through aesthetic concepts, the designer's task is to create the environment, and his task is to give the environment a soul. I like to let this soul express through an unusual combination.
He likes to invent new aesthetics, not only with design objects, but also with fabrics, jewelry, and fashion. In addition to filming for fashion, there are also some exhibition halls for carpets and furniture.
Bruno tarsia的灵感来源光和颜色。使用色彩组合重要的是找到一种新的和谐色彩组合。将太阳,海洋的能量传递给人们。
Bruno tarsia is inspired by light and color. It is important to use a color combination to find a new harmonious color combination. Pass the energy of the sun and the ocean to people.