Stephen Sills

Stephen Sills Associates是纽约一家全方位服务的室内设计公司,位于曼哈顿上东区的麦迪逊大道,专注于将室内设计转变为现代生活的永恒环境。
Stephen Sills Associates is a full-service interior design firm based in New York's Madison Avenue in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, specializing in transforming interior design into an eternal environment for modern living.
Stephen Sill源于Sills Huniford Associates的设计经验,是设计界超过25年的强大力量,同是也是他的职业生涯中光彩的一笔。
Stephen Sill's design experience from Sills Huniford Associates is a powerful force in the design world for more than 25 years, and is also a glory in his career.
Stephen Sills以对建筑,功能和空间历史敏感的方式接近每个项目,丰富了客户的愿景。“建筑文摘”将他的作品描述为:“丰富,严谨和惊喜的清晰综合。”
Stephen Sills enriches the vision of the client by approaching each project in a way that is sensitive to architectural, functional and spatial history. “Architectural Digest” describes his work as “a clear synthesis of richness, rigor and surprise.”
Stephen Sill对每个项目的目标都要有一个涵盖该项目所有方面的总体愿景:除室内设计外,还包括外部建筑,照明以及景观设计。他非常重视项目的各个方面,包括建筑细节,材料选择和场地定位。
Stephen Sill's goal for each project is to have a general vision that covers all aspects of the project: in addition to interior design, exterior architecture, lighting, and landscape design. He values all aspects of the project, including architectural details, material selection and site positioning.
Stephen Sills被列入ElleDécor的前25名设计师的 “A级名单”,并且是Architectural Digest的AD100 - 被列为'30位美国设计院长'之一。
Stephen Sills is listed on ElleDécor's top 25 designer's "A-level list" and is the Architectural Digest's AD100 - listed as one of the '30 American Design Deans'.