Yabu Pushelberg

George Yabu和Glenn Pushelberg是目前国际上炙手可热的两位设计界大师,被誉为世界设计界的“教父”,Yabu Pushelberg成立于1980年,致力提供各式各样的设计方案,以满足客户多元化和严格的要求。
George Yabu and Glenn Pushelberg are the two hottest designers in the world today. Known as the "godfather" in the world of design, Yabu Pushelberg was founded in 1980 to provide a wide range of design solutions to meet the needs of diversified customers And strict requirements.
两位设计师的设计理念,均建基于采用不同的物料、程序和意念多作尝试,为每个项目加添前所未有的元素,开启新的可能性。Yabu Pushelberg也会将内涵注入设计,而非纯粹将意念化为形态。每个设计概念都独一无二,务求针对客户的目标,令设计成为实用的商业成果。
The two designers' design ideas are based on the use of different materials, procedures and ideas to make more attempts to add an unprecedented element to each project and open up new possibilities. Yabu Pushelberg will also inject meaning into the design rather than purely conceptualization. Each design concept is unique, in order to target customers, make the design a practical business results.
走入Yabu Pushelberg 所设计的空间,无论是饭店、餐厅或是商业公共空间,一种绝无仅有的空间经验,使你不自觉地被各色各样工艺装饰品所吸引,空间的氛围丰富且多元:经典饭店大厅的气宇轩昂,金与黑精确呈现的庄重气度,层层金黄色珠帘自上空垂下,与极富东方情调的屏风相互辉映融合,湛蓝的海洋情调与白色波浪墙面强化空间的流动性,色彩纷呈的作品在展示空间翩翩起舞,金属质感的树木枝干,后现代摩登的商业空间与深入LV时尚印象的旗舰店。然而,很多人都不知道这些特立独行的精彩作品都是出自Yabu Pushelberg最具原味的创意设计。
Into the space designed by Yabu Pushelberg, whether it is a restaurant, restaurant or commercial public space, a unique space experience, so you unconsciously by a variety of craft accessories to attract, the atmosphere of the rich and diverse space: classic Elegant atmosphere of the hotel lobby, gold and black show the solemn degree of precision, layers of golden beads hanging down from above, and the oriental rich screen embraced each other, the blue ocean atmosphere and white wave wall to enhance the mobility of space, Colorful works of art dancing in the exhibition space, the metal texture of the branches of trees, post-modern modern commercial space and in-depth LV fashion impression of the flagship store. However, many people do not know that these maverick works of art are the most original creative design by Yabu Pushelberg.
独特是Yabu Pushelberg的代名词,一个专属于他们自己的灵魂,虽然身为各个不同公共空间的创造设计,即便是相同的题材,也能将设计的概念脱离出旧有的框架,使其更贴近品牌的气质与特色。
Unique is synonymous with Yabu Pushelberg, a dedicated to their own soul, although as a creative design of different public spaces, even the same theme, the concept of design can be deviated from the old framework to bring it closer to the brand The temperament and characteristics.
〝独特性对于国际化品牌来说十分的重要,而我们的责任就是精准与完美地将这些特质呈现出来。〞在Yabu Pushelberg的作品中,看不到重复性的设计潮流,〝我们特别专长于创造独特〞,Yabu Pushelberg表示。这样的自信与气度造就了Yabu Pushelberg 与世界知名品牌联手打造许多专属品味的设计空间。
"The uniqueness of international brands is very important, and our responsibility is to accurately and perfectly present these qualities." In Yabu Pushelberg's work, can not see the repetitive design trends, "we are specializes in Create uniqueness, "Yabu Pushelberg said. This level of confidence and commitment has shaped Yabu Pushelberg's many exclusive tastes with world-renowned brands.