Studio ro + ca

Studio ro + ca由联合创始人卡洛斯·卡瓦略(Carlos Carvalho)和罗德里戈·比泽(Rodrigo Béze)创立2013年。
Studio ro + ca was founded in 2013 by co-founders Carlos Carvalho and Rodrigo Béze.
2011年,Carlos Carvalho和Rodrigo Béze毕业于UFRJ(里约热内卢联邦大学)建筑与城市规划学院,在校期间他们也有去法国和意大利的大学学习的经历。
In 2011, Carlos Carvalho and Rodrigo Béze graduated from the UFRJ (University of Rio de Janeiro) School of Architecture and Urban Planning, and during their time they also had experience in studying in France and Italy.
2007年至2008年期间,Carlos Carvalho在米兰政治学院进行了学术交流,而Rodrigo Béze则加入了巴黎贝勒维尔大学。在毕业之前。他们就开始了合作,毕业后曾经在里约热内卢著名的设计事务工作,如Andrea Chícharo和Cadas Abranches。
From 2007 to 2008, Carlos Carvalho conducted academic exchanges at the Milan School of Politics, while Rodrigo Béze joined the Belleville University in Paris. Before graduation. They started working together and after graduation they worked in the famous design work in Rio de Janeiro, such as Andrea Chícharo and Cadas Abranches.
在2013年,Rodrigo Béze和Carlos Carvalho决定面对新的挑战。于是诞生了来自Ipanema的Studio Ro + Ca,从此开始,它一直在开发出一种年轻风格和酷炫的创作。同年,他们被邀请设计了一个展厅项目。
In 2013, Rodrigo Béze and Carlos Carvalho decided to face new challenges. So I created Studio Ro + Ca from Ipanema, and since then, it has been developing a young style and cool creation. In the same year, they were invited to design a showroom project.
Studio Ro + Ca不要屈服于模式主义和“倾向”,而是以某种方式使巴西的设计国际化。 短短几年的时间,工作室如今已经有大量的住宅,商业和企业客户,项目遍及以色列,日本,中国和意大利。国际杂志和资讯网站都相竞报道。
Studio Ro + Ca does not succumb to patternism and “propensity”, but rather internationalizes Brazilian design in some way. In just a few short years, the studio now has a large number of residential, commercial and corporate clients with projects in Israel, Japan, China and Italy. International magazines and information websites are competing to report.