Coco Republic

Coco Republic室内设计公司成立于2006年,是一家专门为私人住宅,酒店,酒店和开发项目设计和装饰优质环境的国际设计工作室。已经完成了澳大利亚和新西兰的一些著名的大型住宅。
Founded in 2006, Coco Republic Interior Design is an international design studio dedicated to the design and decoration of quality environments for private homes, hotels, hospitality and development projects. Some of the famous large homes in Australia and New Zealand have been completed.
Coco Republic室内设计是澳大利亚最受尊敬的设计团队之一。 由Diana Ribarevski担任设计部门的主管。凭借其广泛的经验和技能,提供令人惊叹的内饰以及充满热情和爱的室内外空间。
Coco Republic Interior Design is one of Australia's most respected design teams. Diana Ribarevski heads the design department. With its extensive experience and skills, it offers stunning interiors and a passionate and love indoor and outdoor space.
当谈到创造时尚,创新的内饰, Coco有一个明显的优势。团队以强大的零售和品牌主张为支撑,拥有丰富多彩的家具,面料,艺术品,配饰和灯饰等多样化产品。
When it comes to creating stylish, innovative interiors, Coco has a distinct advantage. The team is backed by strong retail and brand advocacy, with a variety of diverse products including furniture, fabrics, artwork, accessories and lighting.
从一个房间到整个家庭,Coco Republic 以转换空间创新和时尚的室内设计,超越时间界限而闻名。 利用创意实力为客户打造个人圣域,或者把一个新的发展项目提高到一个新的水平。
From one room to the entire family, Coco Republic is famous for translating spatial innovations and stylish interiors that transcend time boundaries. Use creative power to create a personal sanctuary for your clients, or take a new development project to a new level.
Coco Republic认为每一个设计都应该是独一无二的,并且可以根据每个客户的需求量身定做。优秀的设计包含了完整性,质量和永恒的美感,并且在美学和实践上都是成功的。
Coco Republic believes that every design should be unique and tailored to each customer's needs. Excellent design embodies integrity, quality and timeless beauty, and is aesthetically and practically successful.