Nicole Hollis

Nicole Hollis是旧金山NICOLE HOLLIS公司的首席创意总监,专门从事豪华酒店和住宅的室内设计。
Nicole Hollis is the Chief Creative Director of NICOLE HOLLIS in San Francisco, specializing in interior design for luxury hotels and homes.
Nicole Hollis的设计弥漫着艺术,时尚和建筑的气息,以其黑暗魅力和想象力而闻名。 凭借原始的中性色调色,丰富的纹理和有机材料,Nicole的内饰唤起了通过艺术和技术创新转变的自然世界。
Nicole Hollis's design is filled with art, fashion and architecture, known for its darkness and imagination. With its original neutral tones, rich textures and organic materials, Nicole's interior evokes a natural world transformed by art and technological innovation.
Nicole Hollis的项目包括领先的精品酒店,餐馆和酿酒厂,如Hall Wines,Joie de Vivre Hospitality,Kimpton Hotels和Calafia Cafe以及Market a Go-Go。 大型住宅项目遍布洛杉矶,纽约,夏威夷和旧金山。
Nicole Hollis' projects include leading boutique hotels, restaurants and wineries such as Hall Wines, Joie de Vivre Hospitality, Kimpton Hotels and Calafia Cafe and Market a Go-Go. Large residential projects are located throughout Los Angeles, New York, Hawaii and San Francisco.
Nicole Hollis的创造性能力从小就比较突出。她进入设计行业的欲望让她在家乡佛罗里达州中掀起了时尚和平面设计的风潮,然后开始从事室内设计,从而将她带到纽约,巴黎,最后到旧金山。在这里,她建立了自己的工作室,和丈夫以及两岁的女儿一起生活。
Nicole Hollis's creative ability has been prominent since childhood. Her desire to enter the design industry led to a wave of fashion and graphic design in her home state of Florida, and then began to engage in interior design, bringing her to New York, Paris, and finally to San Francisco. Here, she established her own studio and lived with her husband and her two-year-old daughter.
Nicole Hollis设计的空间旨在提升人类的精神享受。 作为NICOLE HOLLIS的创始人,Nicole领导了三十多位室内设计师,室内建筑师和家具设计师的屡获殊荣的团队,通过住宅,酒店和产品把设计融入到生活艺术中。
The space designed by Nicole Hollis aims to enhance the spiritual enjoyment of mankind. As the founder of NICOLE HOLLIS, Nicole leads more than 30 interior designers, an award-winning team of interior architects and furniture designers who incorporate design into the art of living through homes, hotels and products.
Nicole and her team worked closely with the architects at the beginning of the project, from interior layout to lighting design. Her affinity for the dark, dramatic environment will make her feel that her main color is "paint black", this aesthetic masks her true personality and contagious enthusiasm.
Nicole的客户包括全球领导者和知名创新者,他们欣赏她创建家庭的能力,以支持和增强家庭所选择的生活方式。 对良好理念的精英主义信念, Nicole非常注意项目背景和设计的意义,反映了尼科尔设计理念以及折衷品味。
Nicole's clients include global leaders and renowned innovators who appreciate her ability to create a family to support and enhance the lifestyles the family chooses. Nicole pays great attention to the background and design of the concept, reflecting Nicole's design philosophy and eclectic taste.