
AvroKO是一家总部位于纽约的设计和概念公司,擅长建筑、家具、图像甚至时尚等多个领域。由4个合作伙伴Adam Farmerie,William Harris,Greg Bradshaw和Kristina O'Neal共同创立于2001年,每个人都为公司多方面的设计贡献出独特的眼光。
New York-headquartered design-and-concept firm AvroKO, is equally adept at the varied disciplines of architecture, furniture, graphics, and even fashion. 2001,Founded by 4 additional partners —Adam Farmerie, William Harris, Greg Bradshaw, and Kristina O’Neal—each contributing a unique vision to the company’s multifaceted design mission.
AvroKO has established a new paradigm in the hospitality industry, encompassing a multitude of disciplines and creating thoughtful, provocative architecture, brands, products, and environments.
AvroKO has earned a reputation as one of the most innovative design firms in the field, due in large part to the group’s self-styled storytelling, integrated design process and focus on creating transformative experiences.
Their acclaimed portfolio of restaurants, bars, hotels, retail and residential projects from New York to Hong Kong is characterized by a unique blend of traditional, forward-looking forward-looking ideas.
自公司成立以来,公司在纽约办事处的员工超过46人,曼谷办事处超过25人,最近在旧金山开设了办事处。包括餐厅,酒吧和酒店在内的积极的建筑项目组合目前在全球13个国家和21个城市举行,并且获得了众多荣誉,其中包括2个詹姆斯·比尔德奖,6个酒店设计奖,2个HA + D奖和劳伦斯J.以色列奖。
Since its creation, the company has grown to a staff of over 46 in its NYC office, 25 in its Bangkok office, and 10 in its recently opened San Francisco office. Their active portfolio of architecture projects, including restaurants, bars, and hotels, are taking place currently in 13 countries and 21 cities worldwide and have garnered them numerous accolades, including: 2 James Beard Awards, 6 Hospitality Design Awards, 2 HA + D awards, and the Lawrence J. Israel Prize.