Joanna Laajisto

Joanna Laajisto是一家位于芬兰赫尔辛基的精品设计机构,由美女Joanna Laajisto成立于2010年。在零售,酒店和工作场所设计以及产品和概念设计等商业内饰领域工作。
Joanna Laajisto is a boutique design agency based in Helsinki, Finland, founded in 2010 by the beautiful Joanna Laajisto. Work in retail, hotel and workplace design as well as commercial interiors such as product and concept design.
Joanna Laajisto是赫尔辛基的室内建筑师和设计师,也是前专业滑雪板运动员。曾在美国西海岸学习和发展她的职业生涯。在加利福尼亚室内设计学院学习,毕业后在Gensler建筑事务所工作两年,之后又回到了芬兰创立了自己的事务所。
Joanna Laajisto is an interior architect and designer in Helsinki and a former professional snowboarder. She studied and developed her career on the West Coast of the United States. After studying at the California School of Interior Design, after working for two years at Gensler Architects, he returned to Finland to start his own office
除了在室内建筑学学士学位之外,Joanna Laajisto还是LEED认证的 计师,使她成为环境和节能设计方面的专家。
In addition to her Bachelor's degree in Interior Architecture, Joanna Laajisto is a LEED Certified Professional, making her an expert in environmental and energy efficiency design.
Joanna Laajisto相信一个精心设计的项目是可持续发展的最佳形式,并且与共享对质量和美丽的热情的客户一起创造了出色的成果。设计过程基于对客户需求的深入了解和室内设计的目的,设计始终是从用户的角度出发的。
Joanna Laajisto believes that a well-designed project is the best form of sustainable development and has produced outstanding results with customers who share a passion for quality and beauty. The design process is based on an in-depth understanding of customer needs and the purpose of interior design, and the design is always from the user's point of view.