
在伦敦甚至是国际上,Candy&Candy无疑是最知名的豪华住宅室内设计及开发公司。由兄弟俩Nick Candy和Christian Candy创立于1999年。
In London and even internationally, Candy & Candy is undoubtedly the most well-known luxury residential interior design and development company. Founded in 1999 by brothers Nick Candy and Christian Candy.
The incredible project inspires Candy & Candy's decorative philosophy, the pursuit of perfection and extreme attention to detail. The company has grown into a well-known elegance, attention to detail and quality for all luxury content. The design style of Candy&Candy is almost limitless. Always create a texture and exquisite interior inspired ideas by combining shapes and interesting details.
44岁的Nick Candy和42岁的Christian是出生在Surrey的Banstead,是希族塞人的后裔,并在Surrey的Priory预备学校和Epsom学院接受教育。Christia大学在伦敦国王学院学习商业管理,而Nick在雷丁大学获得了人文地理学位。
Nick Candy, 44, and Christian, 42, were born in Banstead, Surrey, a descendant of Greek Cypriots and educated at the Priory Prep School and Epsom College in Surrey. Christia University studied business management at King's College London, and Nick received a degree in Human Geography from the University of Reading.
他们的父亲Anthony Candy经营了一家艺术工作室和媒体制作公司,他们的母亲Patricia是一位戏剧老师。在1995年,兄弟俩用祖母的6000英镑贷款购买了他们的第一个房产,是伦敦伯爵府(Earls Court)的一居室单元并进行了翻新。18个月后,他们以17.2万英镑的价格卖掉了这套公寓,赚取了5万英镑的利润。
Their father, Anthony Candy, runs an art studio and media production company, and their mother, Patricia, is a drama teacher.In 1995, the brothers bought their first home with a grandmother's £6,000 loan, a one-bedroom unit at Earls Court in London and was refurbished. After 18 months, they sold the apartment for £172,000 and earned a profit of £50,000.
那时候,尼克从事广告业,Christian在美林投资银行(Merrill Lynch)工作。在业余时间翻新公寓,并做得很好,然后在1999年建立了Candy&Candy公司。
At the time, Nick was in the advertising industry and Christian worked at Merrill Lynch. Renovated the apartment in his spare time and did a good job, then established Candy & Candy in 1999.
Nick在2012年与澳大利亚女演员兼歌手Holly Valance结了婚,他也出演过肥皂剧“邻居”,他们有一个女儿Luka,住在英国,Beverley Hills和摩纳哥之间。Christian的妻子是犯罪心理学家同时也是社交名流Emily Compton,在2013年生下双胞胎女儿。
Nick married Australian actress and singer Holly Valance in 2012. He also starred in the soap opera "Neighbors". They have a daughter, Luka, who lives in the UK, between Beverley Hills and Monaco. Christian's wife is a criminal psychologist and socialite Emily Compton, who gave birth to twin daughters in 2013.
One Hyde Park让Candy&Candy名声大燥,为了降低成本,提升豪华房地产集团的利润,2015年4月15日Candy&Candy裁员三分之一, 2017年2月9日,因为逃避税收,解雇事件,欺凌,恐吓和勒索的原因被以前的合作伙伴Mark Holyoake起诉。
One Hyde Park made Candy & Candy famous. In order to reduce costs and increase the profits of luxury real estate groups, Candy & Candy cut off one-third of the staff on April 15, 2015, on February 9, 2017, because of tax evasion, dismissal, bullying, intimidation The reason for the blackmail was sued by former partner Mark Holyoake.
v房地产经纪人兼市场评论员亨利·普赖尔(Henry Pryor)表示:“这个级别的玩家经常洗牌。 “即使对于Candy&Candy兄弟来说,市场已经不像几年前那么好了,他们可能会经历一个温和的低迷时期。”
Real estate agent and market commentator Henry Pryor said: "This level of players often shuffle. "Even for the Candy & Candy brothers, the market is not as good as it was a few years ago, they may experience A mild downturn. ”
Candy&Candy is currently in bankruptcy and has sold a lot of properties. Their penthouse in Plaza 2012 sold for $25.4 million. After a year of expensive renovation of custom furniture, it returned to the market. The first time it was launched in 2013 was $59 million, and Candy reduced this requirement to $49.9 million in 2015, but that doesn't seem to work either. Eventually, the price was reduced to $39.7 million earlier this year. At the auction on October 5, it was finally sold at a price lower than the original price of $7 million, priced at $32.7 million.
2017年6月3日,Candy&Candy出售伦敦高端物业网站,Nick Candy因为税收原因搬到了摩纳哥。
On June 3, 2017, Candy & Candy sold London's high-end property website, and Nick Candy move to Monaco for tax reasons.