
擅长项目:别墅大宅 酒店空间 餐饮空间 休闲场所 文化空间 办公空间 商业展示
擅长设计:室内设计(硬装) 室内设计(软装)
香港著名建筑师André Fu不止是知名设计师John Pawson的得意门生,更是著名设计公司AFSO的创办人。
André Fu, a famous architect in Hong Kong, is not only a proud student of well-known designer John Pawson, but also the founder of the famous design company AFSO.
Andre Fu于香港出生,十四岁远赴英国求学,2000年毕业于剑桥大学,同年在伦敦创立AFSO设计事务所,并于2004年返港。其设计事务所自此创造了一系列蜚声国际、诉诸美感的设计作品。
Andre Fu was born in Hong Kong. At the age of 14, he traveled to study in the UK and graduated from Cambridge University in 2000. In the same year, Andre Fu founded the AFSO Design Office in London and returned to Hong Kong in 2004. Since then, its design firm has created a series of world-famous, resorted to aesthetic design work.
其室内建筑风格独特,结合亚洲美学的严谨追求、明确的空间规划及将日常生活细节融汇其中。他的设计理念为善用空间,经过独特的设计思维作出诠译,演化为极具感性及灵巧多趣的作品。设计项目包括香港The Upper House酒店、坐落于新加坡滨海湾的The Fullerton Bay酒店,以及伦敦The Berkeley酒店的Super Suite套房。
Its unique indoor architectural style, combined with the rigorous pursuit of Asian aesthetics, a clear space planning and integration of everyday details into them. His design philosophy is to make good use of space, through a unique interpretation of the design thinking, evolved into a highly emotional and dexterous work. Design projects include The Upper House in Hong Kong, The Fullerton Bay in Marina Bay, Singapore and Super Suite in The Berkeley, London.
他的作品涵盖多种设计类型,从位于香港连卡佛的全球最大鞋履专门店The Shoe Library、国际著名影星杨紫琼的私人居所、Ben Brown及Emmanuel Perrotin的艺术画廊,到与太平地毡合作的Andre Fu Collection,都体现了其多方面的设计才华。
His works cover a wide range of design styles, ranging from The Shoe Library, the world's largest shoe store in Lane Crawford, Hong Kong, private residences of international celebrity Michelle Yeoh, Ben Brown and Emmanuel Perrotin's art galleries to work with TPF Andre Fu Collection, all reflect its multi-faceted design talent.
Andre Fu被誉为「亚太区最炙手可热的设计师」,更获英国《Wallpaper*》誉为「香港设计才俊」、被英国《Monocle》誉为「设计大师」、英国版《Vogue》誉为「设计界年轻才俊」、美国版《Conde Nast Traveler》誉为「轰动亚洲设计界的人物」,及被美国《福布斯杂志》冠以「创意才俊」之美誉。
Andre Fu has been hailed as "the hottest designer in the Asia Pacific region". He was also praised as "Hong Kong Design Talent" by Wallpaper * in the United Kingdom, "Design Master" by British "Monocle" and "Vogue" by the British version as " "The Young Talent of Design," the American version of "Conde Nast Traveler" hailed as "a sensation in the Asian design community" and "Forge Genius" by Forbes Magazine of the United States.
他的作品甚具国际视野,善于利用空间设计的他作品遍佈香港、上海、新加坡、东京及伦敦,香港著名的Upper House就是出自André Fu的手笔。年更跨界与瑞典时装品牌合作,为香港的时装骚创作了大型空间装置,令人留下深刻印象。
His work has an international perspective. He is good at using space design works in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo and London. Hong Kong's famous Upper House is from André Fu. Year more cross-border cooperation with the Swedish fashion brand, fashion show for Hong Kong created a large-scale space device, impressive.