David Thulstrup

David Thulstrup是一家位于哥本哈根的建筑和室内的设计工作室。致力于与客户共同努力,创建创新的架构解决方案,其中每个概念都涵盖客户的身份,价值观和需求。项目包括为私人和商业客户提供各种国际项目,主要是时尚精品店和住宅。
David Thulstrup is a design and interior design studio in Copenhagen. Committed to working with customers to create innovative architectural solutions where each concept covers the identity, values and needs of the customer. The project includes a variety of international projects for private and commercial clients, mainly fashion boutiques and homes.
David Thulstrup是丹麦建筑师,从小在哥本哈根以北约20分钟的郊区海岸长大,他和四个兄弟姐妹每个星期天被会带到教堂。在那里,开始注意到建筑。David Thulstrup会坐在那里,思考通过什么方法来改善光线,颜色,以及如何转移元素,以提高体验。
David Thulstrup is a Danish architect who grew up on the outskirts of the coast about 20 minutes north of Copenhagen. He and four brothers and sisters were brought to church every Sunday. There, I began to notice the building. David Thulstrup will sit there and think about ways to improve light, color, and how to transfer elements to enhance the experience.
在巴黎参加艺术学校时,开始追求设计之路,然后回到丹麦,在丹麦设计学院接受本科学士学位。随后的几年,大都是在国外学习生活,曾在巴黎的顶级工作室Jean Nouvel和纽约的顶级设计大师Peter Marino公司任职。在Jean Novel,从事私人住宅和展览设计工作。在Peter Marino,参与了Chanel商店零售概念的创造。
When I joined the art school in Paris, I began to pursue the design path, then returned to Denmark to receive a bachelor's degree at the Danish School of Design. In the following years, most of them studied and lived abroad. They worked in Jean Nouvel, the top studio in Paris, and Peter Marino, the top designer in New York. At Jean Novel, working on private home and exhibition design. At Peter Marino, he participated in the creation of the Chanel store retail concept.
In 2009, after David returned to Denmark, he founded his studio of the same name. The studio is located in an old open warehouse on the outskirts of Copenhagen port called Nordhavn. It is a very international team, including architects, interior designers and product designers. Have your own internal rendering experts and an extensive material library.
David Thulstrup专注于精细的设计细节,并重新考虑材料与传统的形式和使用。与他的团队一起,开发了一种不妥协和简约的风格,设计和艺术解决方案与美学和睦相处,以加强空间体验,企业形象和品牌知名度。
David Thulstrup focuses on fine design details and rethinks materials and traditional forms and uses. Together with his team, he developed an uncompromising and minimalist style, design and art solutions to live in harmony with aesthetics to enhance the spatial experience, corporate image and brand awareness.
David Thulstrup的成员组成了具有强烈创意的国际团队。通过文化交流,实验和多重合作,公司开发定制的家具和材料,为客户创造独特的设计。
The members of David Thulstrup form an international team with strong creativity. Through cultural exchanges, experiments and multiple collaborations, the company develops custom furniture and materials to create unique designs for its customers.