SFA设计公司是一家洛杉矶豪华的室内设计公司,在Santa Barbara和纽约设有办事处,为世界各地最挑剔的客户提供一流的酒店,度假村和水疗中心,独家商业物业和私人住宅的设计。
SFA Design is a Los Angeles luxury interior design firm with offices in Santa Barbara and New York, providing state-of-the-art hotels, resorts and spas, exclusive commercial and private home designs to the world's most discerning clients.
SFA的全名是Smith Firestone Associates,由Sue Firestone创立,现在由主席Kara Smith和Sue Firestone共同领导。
SFA's full name is Smith Firestone Associates, founded by Sue Firestone and now led by Chairman Kara Smith and Sue Firestone.
Kara Smith作为公司的总裁,拥有超过15年的行业经验,领导SFA设计团队培养豪华室内设计,创造性地超越日常生活。在洛杉矶和全球各地的旅游,艺术和文化中寻求灵感,她的作品并不包含单一的“标志性”风格,而是融合了功能性,和谐性和复杂性的意想不到的时刻。
As the company's president, Kara Smith has more than 15 years of industry experience, leading the SFA design team to cultivate luxury interior design and creatively transcend everyday life. Inspired by tourism, art and culture in Los Angeles and around the world, her work does not include a single “signature” style, but an unexpected moment that combines functionality, harmony and complexity.
Kara's style is classic and modern, and brings fresh, innovative design passion and curiosity to each project. With her ability to identify and understand each client's true style, Kara's ability to refine and enhance her design reinforces her reputation among top hotel brands, top class and high-end clients.
创始人兼主席Sue Firestone在设计行业超过35年的时间,通过经营国际领先的室内设计公司SFA Design,培养了她对设计的个人热情。凭借以世界顶级五星级和六星级酒店以及A级住宅客户为特色的客户名单,Su已成为寻求极致奢华生活方式的追求者。
Founder and Chairman Sue Firestone has cultivated her personal passion for design in the design industry for over 35 years by running SFA Design, a leading international interior design company. With a list of customers featuring the world's top five- and six-star hotels and A-class residential customers, Su has become the quest for the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
In 1996, Sue turned his attention to creating a boutique design company that was not large enough to carry out large-scale projects, but was able to provide loyal and caring services to every customer. The result was SFA design. Today, Sue is the designer of Kravet and A.Rudin, creating 70s-style bohemian fabrics and natural furniture that reflect the true California style.
Sue Californians, who grew up in Malibu near Dumer, embodied California's dreams in her work and life. This is an enticing casual and elegant life, with no camouflage of luxury, the temptation of the sun, the rhythm of the sea breeze and the waves. She and her family spend six months a year on their sailing boat Tamsen, exploring the world's islands and oceans.
Sue's extensive travel instills her design philosophy to be uniquely complex and secular. Sue explained: “I saw exotic woods, animals and colors in nature, as well as native ancient artifacts and classical European antiques, which inspired my work.