Shamir Shah

Shamir Shah Design成立于1999年,是一家位于纽约市Flat Iron区的室内建筑和设计工作室。设计方法得益于近二十年在私人住宅和大型开发项目方面的经验,对完善的室内设计有着深入的了解,同时对客户的严格要求给予了细心的关注。
Founded in 1999, Shamir Shah Design is an interior architecture and design studio located in the Flat Iron District of New York City. The design method benefits from experience in private houses and large-scale development projects in the past two decades. It has an in-depth understanding of sound interior design and pays careful attention to the strict requirements of customers.
Shamir Shah在肯尼亚长大。在东非令人难以置信的旷野和风景中度过了我的成长岁月,然后搬到纽约,并在纽约生活了三十年。Shamir Shah受到建筑工艺和设计领域创新的启发。将客户的需求置于设计过程的中心。
Shamir Shah grew up in Kenya. I spent my growing years in the incredible wilderness and landscape of East Africa, then moved to New York and lived in New York for thirty years. Shamir Shah is inspired by innovations in the field of architectural craftsmanship and design. Put the needs of customers at the center of the design process.
工作室已经完成了在美国和国外的一系列项目。Shamir Shah的作品体现了对细节的关注,内敛而高雅的审美,以及巧妙地将材料层层叠叠的技巧。
The studio has completed a series of projects in the United States and abroad. Shamir Shah's work embodies attention to detail, an introverted and elegant aesthetic, and skillfully crafting layers of material.
Shamir Shah的作品来自于一个反映其环境文化的东西,而且从来没有降低到讽刺或模仿的地步。它植根于现代主义的传统,其结果是精心构思和精心设计的空间。
Shamir Shah's work comes from a reflection of its environmental culture, and has never been reduced to the point of satire or imitation. It is rooted in the tradition of modernism and the result is a well-conceived and well-designed space.